happy birthday sir.. :)

that was the day u were born..

that was the day we met

that was the day u said the words

hope this day will be the big day

many thanks from me
for ur kindness, patience, and your bravery

hope everythings run well like ur expectation..

Happy Bday Sunny, Moony!
:) :) :)
blessed to have u.

1 komentar:

amy mengatakan...
8 November 2009 pukul 22.17

there's something that u may realize at the time u lost it..
u never know how lucky u are..
apapun itu,,jangan sampai menyesal di kemudian hari ya :)

nice 2 know u, dear..

maap yg td anonim biz gaptek sih.. hihi..


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